New Year, New Decade, New Snow? See 12/31/19 Forecast

2020 greets most of the country with cold weather and some snow initially, but that dies out quicker than a new year’s resolution! By this weekend, the Central and Eastern U.S. will have higher than average temperatures reminiscent of December 2019. Although the Southeast will get a little pop of colder weather. That will be short lived, then we will be looking at a scattered outlook across the country with nothing too noteworthy.
12/31/19 New Year Forecast from Neoweather

After a few inches of snow hit early today in the upper Midwest, the system will move through to the Northeast on Wednesday. A little lake effect snow will hit that region with an inch or two, but nothing major. A system in the Intermountain West will kick up some snow for a few days. Late in the week a system builds up in the deep south in Texas and Louisiana that will move up into the Ohio Valley, Great Lakes and into the Northeast – but no need to prep the plows because it’s only expected to be rain. However, the backside of that system is likely kick up a little bit of lake effect snow on Saturday for the Great Lakes states like Wisconsin, Ilinois, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio and into the Northeast. This is not going to be a boring week and weekend – there will be snow events in the Upper Midwest and Northeast, but they won’t be extremely large.

12/31/19 Weather Map

Next week there will be a brief break in the weather, then a hit and miss pattern of cold and snow. The Rockies will likely get some snow, but nothing major is expected. The source of the cold will stay further north and into Canada, while the Pacific jet stream will keep things on the mild side for most of the southern United States. There will be a couple of cold days, but there are no indications that it will last long or that there will be anything major as far as winter storms.

12/31/19 Weather Map from Neoweather
12/31/19 Weather Map from Neoweather

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