Official Northern Plains Long Range Winter Forecast 2019/20

Curious about the long range forecast for the Northern Plains this winter? The 2019-2020 season is expected to product frequent clippers coming down from Canada and frigid temps in Minnesota. The video from Neoweather below gives you a long range winter forecast for the Northern Plains using a variety of reliable weather models. See other Snow Plow News blogs for nationwide forecasts along with videos for different regions.

2019/2020 Long Range Winter Forecast: Northern Plains

North Dakota, Minnesota, and Iowas will get hit will frequent clippers that come down from Canada this winter. Typically clippers produce snow accumulation, but not storms that bury you. Just enough snow to keep snow contractors busy throughout the season, but not overloaded. The frigid weather prediction is covering the northeastern half of Minnesota and just a corner of Iowa. In other areas Neoweather expects average temperatures this season.

Southwest areas of North Dakota and South Dakota along with all of Nebraska will have pendulum swinging weather back and forth from warmer than average to colder than average. This will produce periods of rain, snow and ice throughout the winter.

2019-2020 Midwest Region Long Range Forecast Map
2019-2020 Midwest Region Long Range Forecast Map

Looking for more insight and other long range forecasts? Look no further! Snow Plow News has many weather forecast blog posts from Neoweather! Like you, we have a strong interest in accurate weather forecasting and long range planning.